About: Virgin Beeswax

What is Virgin Beeswax

Virgin beeswax is highly prized for its distinct, vibrant golden yellow hue and comforting, sweet honey scent. Harvested directly from a hive's first cappings, it retains a purer, more delicate aroma and color compared to regular beeswax. This unprocessed state preserves more of its natural properties, including beneficial pollen and propolis, offering superior quality for cosmetic and therapeutic applications.

Benefits of Virgin Beeswax

  • High Purity: Minimal processing ensures that virgin beeswax maintains a high level of purity and beneficial properties.

  • Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory: Contains natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that promote healing and protect the skin.

  • Natural Scent and Color: Retains its natural, sweet honey scent and vibrant golden color, enhancing the sensory experience.

  • Skin Protection: Forms a protective barrier on the skin, sealing in moisture and providing a soothing effect.

Cult of Bees Products Containing Virgin Beeswax


About: Propolis


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